Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blog #6

I think the candy exercise was very interesting and it was something I haven't experienced before. It made me realize how diverse our GEL class is. Just like in real life, there was a range of people who are highly privileged and others who are far less fortunate. In made me think about how in my life, I have been very fortunate and sometimes I don't appreciate that. This exercise also reinforced the idea that you can't understand someone simply by looking at them. You need to get to know them to understand them on a better level. There have been a few times where I believe I was treated unfairly due to my ethnicity and my gender. I think being female in a male dominant society, has it's struggles. I don't deal with it day to day, but I have encountered some males who feel they are superior to me simply based on their gender. Also I have felt oppression based on my ethnicity. I am hispanic, specifically Honduran. Most of the time people assume I am Mexican, or they just look down on me because my skin is a shade of brown. Maybe people discriminate because they are ignorant, or it could be that they simply don't accept diversity. Change can be hard for people, but I don't think being uncomfortable with a situation is an excuse for mistreating a human being. That person might be more like you than you think.

My brightest color is BLUE. After reading over the description, I think it embodies me very well. Some main things that stood out, "devotion to relationships" and "making a difference in the world".
This color embodies me in that I dislike hypocrisy, deception, and insincerity. These things really bother me, and I feel like I have a hard time being in any sort of relationship with people who have these qualities. Also I agree that I strive to have a life of significance. I don't want to be a bystander in life; I want to be the one to accomplish greatness and make a difference. Lastly I am a truly emotional person. Over the years I have realized that I lead with my heart; and if I am passionate about something it is because I love it dearly. In being successful, my traits will help me by being able to create a warm work environment wherever I go. Also I will be able to form great relationships through my compassion.


  1. Even though I didn't have the same color as you, I was an orange. I can relate with you about the characteristic of wanting to make a difference in the world. I saw that you also dislike hypocrisy and I can also agree with you on that. I admire that you don't want to be a bystander in life and seems like you strive for the best. Good luck in the future :)

  2. I completely agree with you that the candy activity made me see how truly diverse our GEL class is. I like that we have so much diversity in class, and that also made me think about how diverse our other classes must be!

  3. I agree that the candy activity allowed me to see how diverse the class and how everyone comes from a different background. This activity also made more me thankful for the opportunities I had growing up.

  4. I agree with the candy exercise. It was very interesting to see how diverse we are in that class but it is pretty cool because i havent seen that in any of my classes thusfar. I aslo agree because i am half black and half mexican but people assume im black and jusde me off of that.
