Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog #4

On the Self-Assesment: Where did the time go? my total hours added up to 167 hours, which is one hour less than the number of hours in a week. The assessment tells me that my schedule is very packed and that if I do not make time for something it will not happen. I can also tell that if I spend too much time in one area, for example socializing, another area like sleep or studying will suffer. It surprised me the amount of time that is intended for studying. I think that this semester is more flexible in that area because not all my classes require a rigorous study schedule. As far as spare time I don't have much of that, only an hour. However I can use that to organize myself and plan my weeks so I don't get caught behind in anything. If I am having a rough week I could also use that hour to take a nap and catch up on sleep. During finals week and when I have tests and quizzes I know I won't be spending as much time socializing. Also, I am lucky that I live close to campus so commuting doesn't take that much time out of my life.

Q2: My first five weeks of college have been great. In some ways it has been everything I expected, but in other ways totally different than what I had thought. Honestly I wasn't expecting my teachers to be so nice and helpful as they are. Most people say professors can be tough and unfair, but I think this is just a stereotype or maybe I got lucky or both! Anyways I didn't expect it to be so hard to make friends. It is a weird transition going from seeing your best friends everyday to not having someone to eat lunch with. Even though I have met new people, every student has a different schedule and it can be hard to make a connection during one class. I think I will keep attending school events to exposes myself to new people and new experiences. I look forward to having a successful rest of the semester. My goals are still on track of being achieved!

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