Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog #4

On the Self-Assesment: Where did the time go? my total hours added up to 167 hours, which is one hour less than the number of hours in a week. The assessment tells me that my schedule is very packed and that if I do not make time for something it will not happen. I can also tell that if I spend too much time in one area, for example socializing, another area like sleep or studying will suffer. It surprised me the amount of time that is intended for studying. I think that this semester is more flexible in that area because not all my classes require a rigorous study schedule. As far as spare time I don't have much of that, only an hour. However I can use that to organize myself and plan my weeks so I don't get caught behind in anything. If I am having a rough week I could also use that hour to take a nap and catch up on sleep. During finals week and when I have tests and quizzes I know I won't be spending as much time socializing. Also, I am lucky that I live close to campus so commuting doesn't take that much time out of my life.

Q2: My first five weeks of college have been great. In some ways it has been everything I expected, but in other ways totally different than what I had thought. Honestly I wasn't expecting my teachers to be so nice and helpful as they are. Most people say professors can be tough and unfair, but I think this is just a stereotype or maybe I got lucky or both! Anyways I didn't expect it to be so hard to make friends. It is a weird transition going from seeing your best friends everyday to not having someone to eat lunch with. Even though I have met new people, every student has a different schedule and it can be hard to make a connection during one class. I think I will keep attending school events to exposes myself to new people and new experiences. I look forward to having a successful rest of the semester. My goals are still on track of being achieved!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog #3

In regards to the MBTI learning style my four letter code was INFP. As I read through the description of this type quite a few aspects stood out to me and I could associate myself with them. Looking at each category specifically, and then seeing how they fit together as a whole is interesting; and i think helped me better understand myself. My first letter was "I" which stands for introvert. In general I am more internally focused, rather than external with my energy. However, I do enjoy social gatherings, but at the end of the day I appreciate calmness as a way to relax and recharge. Furthermore some of my dominant qualities are that I listen more than I talk and I tend to think before I act. I do value a smaller amount of interactions that contain depth and focus, rather than meaningless connections. While I generally have introvert like characteristics; there have been situations that I have had to step out of my comfort zone. For example in my internship, I served as a leader for a new group of interns and so I needed to assert myself more than I usually do. My second letter was "N" for intuitive. I deeply connect with this because I rely on trusting my hunch or intuition rather than what is practical. In society I think people often "play by the book" when they should take the opportunity to explore other options. As for my study ethics I tend to have work hard for certain amount of time and then need a break, and then continue in that cycle. Thirdly my letter was "F" for feeler. Out of all the categories I identify with this was is the strongest for me. I tend to be sensitive (more than I should be) and empathetic. My decisions are often based on values and needs. I feel like I am usually the person who feels bad for someone when not many other people understand where my sympathy comes from. I consider myself diplomatic in that I like to handle ordeals depending on the situation; not always the same way. Lastly my letter was "P" for perceiver. I think I can float between this and being a judger depending on the situation. For example i like to keep my options open but I don't like if I have to make tough choices between options. Also there are certain things that I want to be set and stone and I am easily upset if they are changed. However I do relate with the playful and spontaneous side of perceiver.

My results on the VARK were as follows:
Visual - 5
Aural - 7
Read/Write - 8
Kinesthetic - 7
Out of these scores I was most surprised to see that my visual score so low. I think it has to do with that although I would prefer to look at a diagram than read a paragraph I subconsciously learn better through the read/write style. It is true that copying notes works best for me and I do really enjoying reading. I would consider myself multi-modal because my top three scores are all so closed together. My challenge in college with be to take from all these different styles and adapt it to each of classes. For math it will help me if I do a certain type of problem over and over again. For philosophy it will be helpful for me to make a chart of how all the information connects to each other. For GEL, reading the book before doing the aplia assignments should be enough to be successful. Lastly for my Spanish class a mix, of reading, rewriting my notes, and charts will be the best for me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog #2

In regards to the Life Values Inventory I scored the highest in "CONCERN FOR OTHERS". I believe this is an accurate reflection of myself because I do value the well-being of others. At this point in my life this value has become important to me because it relates to my career goal. I am a pre-nursing student, and my concern for others has driven me to pursue this major. I've been able to put my value to action with my internship at Palomar Hospital. I value the time I get to spend with patients; and I enjoy being able to help out the staff. As I have matured I have realized how important compassion is. I believe all too often our society is too selfish and doesn't take the time to care about the people around us. The poor, the sick, the needy, I believe our society should take steps to assist them. Anyways I am getting off track from the prompt. All in all I believe concern for others does embody my personality. I am nowhere near perfect and can still improve when it comes to compassion. Especially with my family, because with my busy schedule I can sometimes push aside their needs. My next two highest scores were a tie: Achievement and Responsibility. These qualities are very important to me as well. To me, responsibility isn't just doing what you are supposed to do. Responsibility is learning to take control of your life and lead yourself in a positive direction. While I'm still learning the ropes of responsibility I think I'm headed on a good path. I value responsibility in myself and also in others. It can be a challenge to have a relationship with someone who isn't responsible; whether it is a friend or significant other. Lastly achievement is important to me because I like to get things done. One of my favorite feelings is checking off a long to do list. Although I have my lazy days and my room isn't always clean achievement is important to me. Without achievement there would be no progress in the world. Without progress how can we improve?

My current long-term goal is to be accepted into the nursing program at CSUSM. 
"Fit"- I believe this goal definitely fits my personality and character. Like I said above, my values have guided me to pursue a career in nursing. I am sure that this career will fit me and I can easily imagine myself living a happy, fulfilling life as a nurse. 
"Ownership" - Around junior to senior year I realized that nursing was something that I was interested in. Since then I have been excited for the future and eager to take the next steps to achieve my goal. This is what I want and I believe i have the inner motivation and heart to get it done. 
"Concreteness" - While my goal is no easy task, I believe it is achievable. If I take the right steps and do the necessary things I will be successful. I need to apply in the later part of my sophomore year and then if accepted I will start junior year.
"Usefulness" - My goal is very useful! I need to go through nursing school if I hope to one day be a nurse. While there are different nursing schools and different ways to become a RN, I believe this is the way that best suits me.
"Stretch"- I think college in general will be a challenge for me. In high school I was a B student and I never really pushed myself to the limit. However I am now expecting to be an A student and it will be quite the challenge. I am looking forward to succeeding and pushing myself. I will strive to get A's in my first semester of classes as my short-term goal.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blog #1

I chose to go to college for a variety of reasons. The main reason is because I knew I needed to go to college to achieve my dream of becoming a nurse. I think in our society it is expected for people to go to college, get a degree, and then have a career. I also think that people my age tend to look at college as a chore. However, starting this new chapter in my life excited me and I was very eager to go to college. Even if I didn't have my parents to support me(which I do), I still think I would attend college. Speaking of my parents, they have been my main "cheerleaders" throughout my whole schooling. Even though we had some disagreements during the college process, everything fell into place. My dad graduated from CSUSM and my older brother is also attending this school; so they have both been a great resource for me when I have questions. Furthermore in these first two weeks of school I have enjoyed myself and all that CSUSM has to offer. Growing up in San Marcos, I was worried that going to college close to home would be too similar to high school. Thankfully I was very wrong. I am very excited to continue this journey and see what else college has to offer.

 I think my two most important characteristics that will help me be successful are my motivation and my ability to be hard working. I realized around junior or senior year that I had an interest in becoming a nurse. From there I became motivated to find out if a job in nursing would fit me. I worked hard in my health class to learn basic knowledge about the health care field. Also I got an internship with Palomar Health which has helped me tremendously. Not only has the internship given me some experience on a hospital floor, it has assured me that nursing is what I want to do. My motivation to get as much experience as I can also pushed me into volunteering at an senior living home during my senior year. Even though I didn't always work with the medical side of people, I was able to help them with other needs. I know it is important to carry my motivation and hard working nature with me wherever I go in life.

My biggest concern for my first semester is being able to time manage. I have school 5 days a week, I play on two soccer teams, I have my internship, and hopefully I will find time for family and friends.
School is definitely my priority, so I know I have to complete my homework before I can have social time. I think it is important for me to develop a schedule and stay extremely organized with a calendar.  I have class from the morning to the early afternoon. After that, I see if anything is going on at campus. When I go home I do my housework and than try to get my homework done before I have to go to practice. On the weekends I have soccer games and finish any homework. Also theres one day a week where I serve a shift at the hospital. This may sound very chaotic, but I do have a schedule in place that I typically stick with. As my work load increases things may become more challenging and my system might have to change. Another concern for myself is not finding my place in the college experience. I don't want to be the student that just attends class and then goes home. I truly want to become involved and I have been exploring different organizations to see where I might fit in. I hope I can soon find a "home" away from home at this university.

Thanks for reading!(: