Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog #2

In regards to the Life Values Inventory I scored the highest in "CONCERN FOR OTHERS". I believe this is an accurate reflection of myself because I do value the well-being of others. At this point in my life this value has become important to me because it relates to my career goal. I am a pre-nursing student, and my concern for others has driven me to pursue this major. I've been able to put my value to action with my internship at Palomar Hospital. I value the time I get to spend with patients; and I enjoy being able to help out the staff. As I have matured I have realized how important compassion is. I believe all too often our society is too selfish and doesn't take the time to care about the people around us. The poor, the sick, the needy, I believe our society should take steps to assist them. Anyways I am getting off track from the prompt. All in all I believe concern for others does embody my personality. I am nowhere near perfect and can still improve when it comes to compassion. Especially with my family, because with my busy schedule I can sometimes push aside their needs. My next two highest scores were a tie: Achievement and Responsibility. These qualities are very important to me as well. To me, responsibility isn't just doing what you are supposed to do. Responsibility is learning to take control of your life and lead yourself in a positive direction. While I'm still learning the ropes of responsibility I think I'm headed on a good path. I value responsibility in myself and also in others. It can be a challenge to have a relationship with someone who isn't responsible; whether it is a friend or significant other. Lastly achievement is important to me because I like to get things done. One of my favorite feelings is checking off a long to do list. Although I have my lazy days and my room isn't always clean achievement is important to me. Without achievement there would be no progress in the world. Without progress how can we improve?

My current long-term goal is to be accepted into the nursing program at CSUSM. 
"Fit"- I believe this goal definitely fits my personality and character. Like I said above, my values have guided me to pursue a career in nursing. I am sure that this career will fit me and I can easily imagine myself living a happy, fulfilling life as a nurse. 
"Ownership" - Around junior to senior year I realized that nursing was something that I was interested in. Since then I have been excited for the future and eager to take the next steps to achieve my goal. This is what I want and I believe i have the inner motivation and heart to get it done. 
"Concreteness" - While my goal is no easy task, I believe it is achievable. If I take the right steps and do the necessary things I will be successful. I need to apply in the later part of my sophomore year and then if accepted I will start junior year.
"Usefulness" - My goal is very useful! I need to go through nursing school if I hope to one day be a nurse. While there are different nursing schools and different ways to become a RN, I believe this is the way that best suits me.
"Stretch"- I think college in general will be a challenge for me. In high school I was a B student and I never really pushed myself to the limit. However I am now expecting to be an A student and it will be quite the challenge. I am looking forward to succeeding and pushing myself. I will strive to get A's in my first semester of classes as my short-term goal.


  1. Hey Alexis,
    I think it's great that we have people out there like you that understand the need to help others before themselves. Sometimes it can be tough, but with an attitude like yours about life it is no struggle. I think it's great that you know what you want to do and have created such a positive path in life I can tell how much you want to become a nurse and be accepted into the program. I hope you achieve all your goals both long and short.

  2. I'm so glad that there are still people like you, that actually care for others. So many of the times you'll meet people that don't care about anything but themselves. Keep doing what you're doing and i'm sure you'll get to where you want to be.
